Saturday, 27 July 2013


So this morning I got some vapemail.  Sweet.

But a couple days ago I got some too, so I'll start there.  I got a couple of Mini Protanks delivered through the post.  Well, I have been enjoying the Evods now for a while, so thought I'd give these a go, especially as they were under a tenner each.

So what to say about these?

I like them.  I like them a lot.

They have an airier draw than the Evods, but otherwise they are much the same.  Nice, lovely flavour, good vape.  I have been trying them out for a couple days now, and am very happy.

However, I was getting the occasional burnt taste, as I have been getting recently with the Evods too, especially when I up the power from the Vamo.

So last night, I gave it all a good clean, and took out the top wicks on all my clearos.  The results were fantastic.  More flavour, no burnt taste (yet), and I can up my without fear of burning flavours.

That said, I am not sure about running too much power yet.  To be honest, I am not a huge fan of a big throat hit, although I do love being drowned in flavour.  My throat is too sensitive I fear (awwww, poor wee laddy).  So I am currently firing the Vamo at around 8-10 Watts of power (it goes to 15w), and that seems to be a nice compromise to me (although I have just blasted it at 15w and it was fine, this time).

So what did I get today?

Well, first of all, a big thanks goes to richo71 over at all about e-cigarettes (  He was offering a selection of e-liquids for the cost of the postage.  The caveat being you had to be a new vaper and have less than 50 posts.  I fulfilled the requirements.

So post haste there was a paypal payment to him, and this morning they flavours arrived.

So what all did I get?

They are all 18mg, so they will be vaped just for the flavours, but that's okay.  If I like them, I can always up the nic when I order more.

Liqua American Blend, Joose Juice Coconut (70/30), Joose Juice Vanilla (70/30), Joose Juice Coconut (70/30), Joose Juice Cheesecake (70/30), Liqua Mints, Vape Escape Cherry and LT Ecigs Amaretto (20mg).

So far, I have tried the Cheesecake.  Quite enjoying it.  Certainly a different flavour from everything else I have currently.  But it is still nice.  Not sure it would be an all-day vape, but it is certainly a nice experience non the less.  I may order some more of this.

I also put in an order with Health Cabin in China.  Not an insignificant one, with a load of evods and evod heads as they were on sale.  And a Smoketek SID just for bulk.  Shipping was quite expensive though, and I got a text yesterday saying I'm hit with import charges.  Booooooo.  Not quite so much of a bargain afterall.

Once I have that order in though, I can start really trying out all the different flavours.  I'm lazy, and can't be hooped cleaning my clearos out every 5 mins just to taste a different flavour (I really need to get set-up for dripping).

Anyway, hopefully the next update will be in just a few days.

Happy vaping...

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