So, I decided to write a blog. Stay with me, it's the first time I have done something like this, but I wanted to share my experiences with this whole electronic cigarettes thing..
So where do I start? I guess at the begining.
So a few months ago, I decided that, for the good of my several months old daughter, that I should think about giving up smoking. I saw on a forum I am a member of, that people were using these e-cigs. I thought I'd give it a try.
A colleague sold me a Skycig pack, and 10 carto's to get me started. Great....
Now, I wasn't expecting much. That's good, because I didn't get much. Not nothing, but not much. I certainly didn't stop smoking.
I did, however, reduce my cigarette consumption from around 20 per day down to 10 per day. This is somewhat of a result, especially after 18 years on 20 a day. Can't complain.
Well I can. I lost my USB charger, couldn't find a replacement, and went back onto 20 a day.
OMG that's how I started too!.....only thing Sky Cigs was useful for was: stopping me climbing out of hotel windows on the rare occasions I was stuck in a hotel overnight...thankfully, I too learnt the error of my ways (in time ;p AAEC)