So this morning I got some vapemail. Sweet.
But a couple days ago I got some too, so I'll start there. I got a couple of Mini Protanks delivered through the post. Well, I have been enjoying the Evods now for a while, so thought I'd give these a go, especially as they were under a tenner each.
So what to say about these?
I like them. I like them a lot.
They have an airier draw than the Evods, but otherwise they are much the same. Nice, lovely flavour, good vape. I have been trying them out for a couple days now, and am very happy.
However, I was getting the occasional burnt taste, as I have been getting recently with the Evods too, especially when I up the power from the Vamo.
So last night, I gave it all a good clean, and took out the top wicks on all my clearos. The results were fantastic. More flavour, no burnt taste (yet), and I can up my without fear of burning flavours.
That said, I am not sure about running too much power yet. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of a big throat hit, although I do love being drowned in flavour. My throat is too sensitive I fear (awwww, poor wee laddy). So I am currently firing the Vamo at around 8-10 Watts of power (it goes to 15w), and that seems to be a nice compromise to me (although I have just blasted it at 15w and it was fine, this time).
So what did I get today?
Well, first of all, a big thanks goes to richo71 over at all about e-cigarettes ( He was offering a selection of e-liquids for the cost of the postage. The caveat being you had to be a new vaper and have less than 50 posts. I fulfilled the requirements.
So post haste there was a paypal payment to him, and this morning they flavours arrived.
So what all did I get?
They are all 18mg, so they will be vaped just for the flavours, but that's okay. If I like them, I can always up the nic when I order more.
Liqua American Blend, Joose Juice Coconut (70/30), Joose Juice Vanilla (70/30), Joose Juice Coconut (70/30), Joose Juice Cheesecake (70/30), Liqua Mints, Vape Escape Cherry and LT Ecigs Amaretto (20mg).
So far, I have tried the Cheesecake. Quite enjoying it. Certainly a different flavour from everything else I have currently. But it is still nice. Not sure it would be an all-day vape, but it is certainly a nice experience non the less. I may order some more of this.
I also put in an order with Health Cabin in China. Not an insignificant one, with a load of evods and evod heads as they were on sale. And a Smoketek SID just for bulk. Shipping was quite expensive though, and I got a text yesterday saying I'm hit with import charges. Booooooo. Not quite so much of a bargain afterall.
Once I have that order in though, I can start really trying out all the different flavours. I'm lazy, and can't be hooped cleaning my clearos out every 5 mins just to taste a different flavour (I really need to get set-up for dripping).
Anyway, hopefully the next update will be in just a few days.
Happy vaping...
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
A little review...
Well, the Vamo arrived on the 19th July, at around 15.30 pm. So I instantly got the battery on charge. Who would have thought it would take so long. It wasn't until around 22:30 that the battery charger even showed a yellow, never mind a green.

Anyway, I spent most of the afternoon / evening with the evods on the blister pack battery. What a difference. A far more consistent flavour, good vapour, and a nice throat hit. Much better than I was expecting, and I felt I should have just got another couple of them packs, a few more evods, and I would have been sweet.
So, I couldn't wait any longer, and when I saw the charger light turn yellow, I had to fire up the Vamo. I am obviously still getting used to it. Trying to find the sweet spot is hard. To be honest, I'm really too new to have figured out exactly what I want.
For example, at 5.0 Watts it seems nice and smooth. Plenty of vapour, but the taste is slightly metallic with the paradise vape cola (36mg). A taste not replicated with the blister pack. Up the watts and it doesn't really seem to get any better (same with downing the watts). I think that flavour tastes better on the blister pack battery, through the evod if I'm honest. Not a great start.
if I move onto my Irn Bru juice (again from Paradise Vape, 36 mg), vaping away
at 6.5 watts, and it is a lovely full flavour. Nice vapour release, and a very
pleasant experience. It tastes, well not like real Irn Bru, but not unlike
cheap supermarket Irn Bru.
Not my favourite Irn Bru taste, but certainly an
improvement over the cola (perhaps shouldn't have bought 30 ml of that stuff.
You live and learn.
Although it is good with the blister pack battery in an
evod. I can certainly live with it, and am certainly not too disappointed. I
wasn't really expecting to vape that stuff and it taste just like Barrs Irn
So there is little point in opening the cherry or root beer from Charlies Vape Shop as they are both 16mg. I didn't order the Root Beer by the way, it was thrown in as my order was large enough to warrant it. I did ask for a tobacco flavour, as I don't have any. But I received a root beer instead??? Not to worry. Didn't matter what I was sent, at 16mg, it aint gonna cut it just now. So all I have left now is the strawberry lemonade to try in the Vamo (again from p.v. at 36 mg). I do have a spare evod to load up with it, so I will give it a try later.
All of the above was based on the Vamo / Evod combo btw. I still have my one CE5+ (I think, from the blister pack) loaded up with the cola. And it tastes pretty fine on the Vamo if I'm honest. Much better than it does on the evod. How weird is that? But that cartridge or whatever it is (clearomiser?) is nothing if not inconsistent. The flavour and vapour is sometimes spot on, then the next vape it's almost like there is nothing. Weird.
So.... Anyway, I ordered a couple protank mini's to try out, and a couple protanks also. And an iclear 30 to try. Mostly from fasttech, but the mini's were from UK, but not in stock just now, but they had a deal on where they were less than a tenner each, delivered, so it would have been rude not to at that price. Should be here next week.
I'll also have to get some tobacco flavours in and menthol flavours for my taste buds off days. I need to find a good all day flavour, and I'm thinking some sort of tobacco flavour should hit the spot. So can anyone recommend a supplier where I can get a few different tobaccos flavours (preferably a B&H kind of flavour), at 36 mg and a reasonable price for smaller quantities?
Overall I am happy with my purchases. I hope that the new tanks work for me when they arrive. And I am still looking forward to the journey from here on in.
And ss (I think you call it, shiny syndrome) has already started. While I am pretty happy with the blister pack battery sitting as a back up, I have been looking for another MOD as a back up already. Don't think I'm quite ready for Provari expense, and it isn't VW either, so probably wouldn't go down that route anyway. But I have started looking for another VW mod as a Vamo back-up / something different. Oh dear.
More updates to follow as all this vapemail starts arriving...
More samples....
OK. So it quickly dawned on me that still all my flavours were kinda sweet. I needed a more savoury flavour I guess as an all day vape. And I didn't have any tobacco flavours.
So I went and ordered a few sample bottles to test the water, and see if I could live with any of them.
This was my vapemail that arrived today. Aint tried any of it yet though. Cleaned out one of the Evods though, so tomorrow I will give one of the tobacco flavours a whirl. The RY4 has had good reviews, and being a B&H smoker (when on Duty Free, not with UK prices I'll admit), I went for the Gold and Silver too, as well as a few other flavours.
I will report back with some findings later, once I have found the time to trial them. Don't expect in-depth, flavour analysis though. You simply won't get it. Only being a week since starting to vape, my taste buds are still wank.
Anyway, that's me up to date with my shopping story so far. I will add reviews of my gear as and when I find the time to do so, and have something to say. But in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed reading this.
Vape on!!!
Shineyitis hits...
So, how long did that last?
About 4-6 hours. I was hooked. I spent the day researching better gear, how to use them, where to get them, all that jazz. Before the end of the working day (I wasn't working obviously), I had ordered my next shipment of vapemail
I introduce, the VAMO V4...
It wasn't particularly cheap. I ordered some Kanger Evods to go with it, and some smaller sample bottles of other flavours with it.
Looks like I'll be going full tilt then...

About 4-6 hours. I was hooked. I spent the day researching better gear, how to use them, where to get them, all that jazz. Before the end of the working day (I wasn't working obviously), I had ordered my next shipment of vapemail
I introduce, the VAMO V4...
It wasn't particularly cheap. I ordered some Kanger Evods to go with it, and some smaller sample bottles of other flavours with it.
Looks like I'll be going full tilt then...

Next Step : The Blister Pack
So several months passed. I was back on the smoking, and not caring a hoot. I didn't really want to give up anyway.
Then, a week or so ago, I went to visit some friends. One of their parents (both the parents, one of the friends), had decided to give up their 60 a day habit, and was using a real e-cig to do it. I got a quick blast on one of theirs, and though I could maybe give this another shot.

They linked me up to a blister pack for £8. It came with a CE5 clearomiser and was good enough to get me started.

I didn't know how much e-liquid to buy though. So I bought a lot. All sweet stuff, like Cola and Irn Bru. And in 30ml bottles. What a mistake.
Now I quite like the flavours admittedly. But to have bought so much without first having tried them? That was the mistake.
Anyway, it all arrived one morning, just as I woke up to my last 2 cigs in a pack. I plugged the battery on charge, smoked my 2 cigs, and filled the clearomiser with some Irn Bru. Haven't smoked a cig since...
Then, a week or so ago, I went to visit some friends. One of their parents (both the parents, one of the friends), had decided to give up their 60 a day habit, and was using a real e-cig to do it. I got a quick blast on one of theirs, and though I could maybe give this another shot.

They linked me up to a blister pack for £8. It came with a CE5 clearomiser and was good enough to get me started.

I didn't know how much e-liquid to buy though. So I bought a lot. All sweet stuff, like Cola and Irn Bru. And in 30ml bottles. What a mistake.
Now I quite like the flavours admittedly. But to have bought so much without first having tried them? That was the mistake.
Anyway, it all arrived one morning, just as I woke up to my last 2 cigs in a pack. I plugged the battery on charge, smoked my 2 cigs, and filled the clearomiser with some Irn Bru. Haven't smoked a cig since...
A starters story
So, I decided to write a blog. Stay with me, it's the first time I have done something like this, but I wanted to share my experiences with this whole electronic cigarettes thing..
So where do I start? I guess at the begining.
So a few months ago, I decided that, for the good of my several months old daughter, that I should think about giving up smoking. I saw on a forum I am a member of, that people were using these e-cigs. I thought I'd give it a try.
A colleague sold me a Skycig pack, and 10 carto's to get me started. Great....
Now, I wasn't expecting much. That's good, because I didn't get much. Not nothing, but not much. I certainly didn't stop smoking.
I did, however, reduce my cigarette consumption from around 20 per day down to 10 per day. This is somewhat of a result, especially after 18 years on 20 a day. Can't complain.
Well I can. I lost my USB charger, couldn't find a replacement, and went back onto 20 a day.
So where do I start? I guess at the begining.
So a few months ago, I decided that, for the good of my several months old daughter, that I should think about giving up smoking. I saw on a forum I am a member of, that people were using these e-cigs. I thought I'd give it a try.
A colleague sold me a Skycig pack, and 10 carto's to get me started. Great....
Now, I wasn't expecting much. That's good, because I didn't get much. Not nothing, but not much. I certainly didn't stop smoking.
I did, however, reduce my cigarette consumption from around 20 per day down to 10 per day. This is somewhat of a result, especially after 18 years on 20 a day. Can't complain.
Well I can. I lost my USB charger, couldn't find a replacement, and went back onto 20 a day.
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